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1891 German Weltrekord Ratchet Screwdriver - Restoration

It was around three months ago when I visited my friend that works at the steel waste. He made an amazing found. He found multible items that were in a very rough condition. They almost had some kind of concrete on them and a lot of heavy rust. This little screwdriver got my attention right away. It was not clearly visible what the function of it was, but I remember that I thought it might be some kind of ratchet mechanism. At home I posted a few pics of it in my Instagram story. It didnt took long for @hand tool rescue to reply, as he has the same screwdriver, just a slightly modern version of it, but similar mechanism. After some research I found some more pics and videos online. The brand is „Weltrekord“ made in Germany and its called „Hebelschraubenzieher“ which meas „lever scredriver“. The model I found was the first ever designed one from 1891. Weltrekord later made some small changes on the design. Newer ones have a small collet to clamp the insert bits and even newer ones came with plastic handles instead of wood.
At first I thought this will be a quick straight forward restoration project. It turned out to be a very tricky one. The most difficult part was definitely the disassembly, it took me three full days to get it in pieces. Heavy rust has done so much damage to all of the parts. Unfortunately the handle cracked when I removed it. I tried to restore it, but it became a huge mess and I decided to make a new one to have a nice and clean look. Theres a 40 minutes version of this video on my Patreon page where I show how I tried to repair the handle. I had to weld up material on a lot of parts and machined and sanded it clean afterwards. That all worked perfectly fine. Some parts have still very slight pitting but overall it turned out very well. For the finish on the steel parts I decided to try nickel plating for the first time and it worked fantastic. I went with a brushed finish and with the nickel coat the parts turned out amazing. I really like the look of the nickel plated parts with the wooden handle.

I hope you like my work and the video.

Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:

Adel AlSaffar
Alex McGeorge
Courtney Maleport
David Barker
Greg Marston
Mellissa Marcus
Muzaffer Aksoy
Paul Mampilly
Vickie Bligh
Vince Valenti
Xavier Carbel
Yale Baker
Alex Breton
alex latzko
Alex Shipley
Aljoscha Erlebach
Allen Frank
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreas Mimra
Andrew Phillips
Anthony Adams
Arni Bjorgvinsson
Blake T
Brian Newton
Chad Bryant
Chris Simondet
Cristian Zorrilla
Dre Gilley
Grok Senften
Harper Kim
Hunter R.
Jeremy Cole
Jessica Alexander
Jonas Richartz
Jordan Page
Joshua Bentley
Jozette Soto
justin f.
Kelly Imgrund
Marc Cerisier
Martin Rønnow Klarlund
Mellissa McConnell
Michael Bier
Mike Donaldson
Nick Cannon
Pasacal Schmikal
Paul Ambry
Scott Marshall
Stuart Mitchell
The Carlsons
Trevor Kam
Warren G Strand Jr
웅록 윤

Time and costs of this restoration:

$5 wood for the handle
$3 spring steel wire
$10 vinegar for nickel solution
I was working on this project for 2 weeks

My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180

If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.

Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.

Thank you for watching :-)

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Building a Huge Rotary Tumbler from Scratch - Homemade Rotary Tumbler

I need a tumbler for the current restoration project on the main channel. The parts are quite big, thats why the tumbler itself needs to be bigger. I found a 25 liter barrel in the hardware store and I built a complete rotary tumbler around it.

I hope you like my work and the video.

Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:

Tonya M Broerman
Zack Thompson
Adel AlSaffar
Yale Baker
Alex McGeorge
Alistair Moor
Courtney Maleport
David Barker
Greg Marston
Joshua Bentley
Lambda GPU Workstations
Luke Schmick
Luke Stone
Matt Bosch
Mellissa Marcus
Paul Mampilly
Todd Medbury
Vickie Bligh
Vince Valenti
Xavier Carbel
Yuri Zapuchlak
Alex Breton
alex latzko
Allen Frank
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreas Mimra
Andrew Phillips
Anthony Adams
Arni Bjorgvinsson
Blake T
Brandon Fitzwater
Brian Newton
Chad Bryant
Chris Simondet
Fonee Pasta
Grok Senften
Haley McFadden
Harper Kim
Hunter R.
Jason Koi
Jason Tarlov
Jeremy Cole
Jonas Richartz
Jordan Page
justin f.
Kelly Imgrund
Kurt Gazow
Marc Cerisier
Marius Costan
Martin Rønnow Klarlund
Mellissa McConnell
Michael Bier
Mike Donaldson
Nick Cannon
Pasacal Schmikal
Schultes Thomas
Scott Marshall
Svenja Iven
The Carlsons
Trevor Kam
Tucker Ifft
Warren G Strand Jr
William Wallace
웅록 윤

My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180

If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.

Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.

Thank you for watching :-)

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Шуруповёрты Украина ek.ua/u/p5Af6
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound!

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— Обслуживание кондиционеров в Москве mklim.ru/tehnicheskoe_obsluzhivanie

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Самоделки: goo.gl/C4tkqL
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Как делать не нужно: goo.gl/nN6TUF
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Группа в Одноклассниках: goo.gl/u2nLf4

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound!

Likecoin – криптовалюта за лайки: likecoin.pro/@sol


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