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In this video im restoring a very old hand cranked grinder.
A few weeks ago I visited my friend and we took a closer look at his barn, looking for something interesting to restore. As soon as I saw this hand cranked grinder, I knew that this would make a nice restoration video. It was all covered in wood dust and the visble steel parts were very rusty. It was still working, but the grinding wheel was very unbalanced.
When I was cleaning the parts with the parts washer I found a lot of nails and screws in the gearbox, I guess I was very lucky that I didnt found any teeth from the gears. The pin connection from one gear was damaged very hard. I filled it all up with welding and machined all surfaces clean again.
I decided to make a brass sleeve for the wooden handle and glued it in with epoxy.
I only cleaned the grinding wheel with high pressure water and it worked very well. Due to the age of the grinder and the cleaning with the water, the two paper discs were lost. Thats why I printed two new ones with my logo on it and they turned out very nice. Theyre there to lower the pressure on the grinding wheel from the clamping.
The cover plate from the gearbox didnt fit at all, it didnt even cover everything. Because of that I decided to make a new one.
For the painting I choose a black coat, as it was originally, I used filler on it to get a nice and smooth finish.
Im very happy how this project turned out, Ill keep this item for myself for display.
I hope you like my work and the video.
Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:
Scott Meola
Micky McKay
Adel AlSaffar
Alan Hanson
Alex Roussos
Andreswara Hermawan
Andrew Phillips
Dan Williams
Joan Casanovas
John Romero
Jonas Richartz
Jonathan Heckerman
Paul Mampilly
SA Graver
Trevor Kam
Vince Valenti
Zachary Grimes
00:00 preview
00:37 disassembling
02:13 showing all the parts
02:28cleaning the parts with the parts washer
02:47 removing the old paint with paint stripper
03:32 sandblasting
04:17 restoring the holder
04:39 restoring the gearbox case
05:11 restoring all shafts and gears from the gearbox
07:45 making a new pin connection
08:17 restoring the crank
08:40 restoring the wooden handle
09:05 making a brass sleeve for the wooden handle
09:51 making a steel cover for the wooden handle
10:58 making a shaft for the wooden handle
12:14 restoring the grinding wheel
13:11 making a new wooden sleeve for the grinding wheel
14:03 making a brass sleeve for the wooden sleeve
15:01 restoring the clamping disc for the grinding wheel
15:21 restoring the big shaft
15:48 making a new cover for the gearbox
16:32 restoring the joints for the big shaft
17:18 sandblasting again
17:32 bluing the steel parts
17:55 applying two component filler and sand it
18:20 applying two component primer
18:44 wet sanding
18:58 applying two component coat „jet black“ (RAL 9005)
19:30 showing the restored bolts and nuts
19:44 showing all the parts before reassembling
19:58 reassembling
22:19 showing the restored item
23:09 final test
Time and costs of this restoration:
I was working on this project over 1,5 weeks
$20 hand cranked grinder
$20 2k primer
$20 2k coat „jet black (RAL 9005)
$5 wood for the sleeve
$5 grease inlets
$0.4 thick paper for the grinding wheel
My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180
If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.
Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.
Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.
As you might know from my Instagram posts, Ive recently restored and cleaned my workshop. Under a lot of trash, covered in dust, I found an old railroad track. I had no idea it was there and obviously I had no use for it. For that reason I decided to make a small anvil out of it. I always wanted to have a small one.
First I went online and did some research about anvils. After I had an idea how it should look like I started to cut it in shape with the angle grinder. I milled the surfaces flat after a rough shaping with the angle grinder and drilled a hole in it. If you dont have access to a milling machine, you could also grind the surfaces clean with an angle grinder. Having the top surfaces finished I was able to start shaping the horn. First I cut of the biggest pieces with the angle grinder and then I started to shpae the horn. Rough shaping at first with the angle grinder, then smoothing out with a file and then sandpaper. To remove all the rust I decided to give it a quick sandblast. If you dont have access to a sandblaster you could also remove the rust with a wire wheel or just grind it all clean with the angle grinder. For rust protection I used cold bluing. I then sanded all the functional surfaces clean again. This also gave the whole thing a nice touch and some contrast.
Im more than happy how it turned out and I cant wait to start using it on future projects.
I hope you like my work and the video.
Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:
Adel AlSaffar
Alex McGeorge
Courtney Maleport
David Barker
Greg Marston
Mellissa Marcus
Paul Mampilly
Vince Valenti
Xavier Carbel
Yale Baker
Alan Hanson
Alex Breton
alex latzko
Alex Shipley
Aljoscha Erlebach
Allen Frank
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreas Mimra
Andrew Phillips
Anthony Adams
Arni Bjorgvinsson
Brian Newton
Chad Bryant
Cristian Zorilla
Damian Rickard
Dre Gilley
Grok Senften
Harper Kim
Hunter R.
JD Smith
Jeremy Cole
Jessica Alexander
Jonas Richartz
Jordan Page
Joshua Bentley
Jozette Soto
justin f.
Kelly Imgrund
Marc Cerisier
Martin Rønnow Klarlund
Mellissa McConnell
Michael Bier
Mike Donaldson
Nick Cannon
Pasacal Schmikal
Paul Ambry
Robert Everich
Scott Marshall
Stuart Mitchell
The Carlsons
Trevor Kam
Warren G Strand Jr
웅록 윤
Time and costs of this restoration:
I was working on this project for 2 days
$20 Angle Grinder Discs
My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180
If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.
Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.
Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.
Всем привет! В этом видео вы узнаете как правильно делать анодирование алюминия (окраска алюминия) в домашних условиях!
Я надеюсь что это видео поможет тем кто будет в дальнейшем осваивать данную технологию окраски алюминия.
Минигриндер ali.pub/4nma50
Трубочист ali.pub/4nma75
Богарка Ryobi-115 vk.cc/aroVRz
Болгарка AEG-125 vk.cc/a04OGl
Ключи с храповым механизмом Vira vk.cc/9RbBdG
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Топ 10 Неожиданных находок. Нашли старый свитер стоимостью 43 тыс. долларов, на пляже айфон, мотоцикл Хонда и Сузуки, золото под водой, Volkswagen Karmann Ghia, в лесу старый экскаватор, брошенный старый грузовик REO.
●Все мои видео www.youtube.com/channel/UCfLGEDbyezC3Bx9D0TmvcKw/videos?disable_polymer=true
●ПОДПИШИСЬ НА НОВЫЕ ВЫПУСКИ:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfLGEDbyezC3Bx9D0TmvcKw?sub_confirmation=1
●Группа ВКонтакте:http://vk.com/club108402362
●Поддержать канал можно задонатив на эти кошельки:
10. Нашел 20 долларов youtu.be/3Zudm5KOh08
9. С помощью металлоискателя нашел на пляже айфон youtu.be/wzMy7SRtxTQ
8. Парень нашел горный мотоцикл Suzuki youtu.be/bcl8k4aGr3U
7. Мужчина с помощью металлоискателя нашел 7 колец, два из них были золотыми, два браслета, часы, две подвески youtu.be/ieSlqtkQ6Qg
6. Обнаружил в лесу возле заброшенного дома Volkswagen Karmann Ghia youtu.be/CyfXEA7rt78
5. С помощью поискового магнита и крюков выловили мотоцикл Honda youtu.be/ADF7lIw-eCg
4. Нашел в море золотую цепочку с крестиком и мощный золотой браслет youtu.be/uqIjZtTk14o
3. Обнаружил в лесу старый экскаватор youtu.be/sFudJ2yIBJE
2. Парни нашли в лесу брошенный старый грузовик REO youtu.be/SzbvmzZUAdo
1. Старый свитер.
Hip Hop Beat Instrumental — Chapter 21 Free Download by Eldienne Productions (https://soundcloud.com) is licensed under a Creative Commons License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).
15 авто найденных заброшенными, которые теперь стоят огромных денег.
Ежегодно в мире пропадает немало автомобилей, но это не только из-за угонов. Каждый год тысячи автомобилей на планете остаются брошенными на парковке около аэропортов, на парковке возле торговых центров, около медицинских учреждений
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